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Who is this for?

You are the mom, the partner, the career woman, the housekeeper, the chef at home, the chauffeur, the home school teacher.... and it's feeling like a LOT. 


Your life is draining you.


You're wondering how you can handle everything and still be you. 


You're asking yourself "where is that fun-loving, easygoing, spontaneous girl I used to be" before adulting took over your life.


You want to feel in control and on top of all the things on your plate... mom-ing, your relationships, your work. 


You want to feel full of energy.


Above all that, you want to embrace who you are and your life unapologetically!  â€‹


It's time for you to live consciously and confidently, being YOU first. 

You can feel amazing when you take care of you first, mind body and soul. 

Embrace Me will show you HOW to do just that.


Coming soon...

A group coaching community


where you will walk away feeling lighter, more spacious in your life


...more in touch


...more self-aware

​ to speak up for what you want and need


...and with strategies in your back pocket so you can live full out


soulfully aligned


In my mid 30’s as a working mom of 2, I was striving to create a bigger life for my family.  But I hit a point where I was struggling with the overwhelm of adulting.  I found myself unhappy with my outwardly successful life (mom, wife, house, home, career). I started looking for ways to feel better. 


I found a coach who breathed belief into me and shared new tools and strategies to shift my mindset.  My coach also encouraged me to go back to doing something for myself… so I started dancing again.  


That’s when the magic happened... I reconected to myself and lit my soul back on fire.  Doing the inner work and reconnecting to my heart's desires with dance completely changed the way I was showing up in my life at home with my husband, my children and at work.  


Nothing out side of me changed.... but everything changed... when I did.


So if you are feeling like life is dragging you down and you need a way out... you are frustrated with things not changing... then you need a change.  And I'm here to tell you... there is another way.


You can feel spacious and amazing again!  

Image by Deidre Schlabs

Life feels amazing
when you embrace who 
you are

Can you remember a time when you were younger and carefree and how simply dancing wildly in your pyjamas at any time of day was just exhilarating fun?  


Well, if you have lost your way a bit from that girl inside you who was so connected with what was inside her heart... I’m here to tell you you can find her again. 


Let’s connect back with that girl... the one who didn’t care what she looked like, what other people thought of her.  That sweet girl who played full out and laughed loudly and acted spontaneously, trusting in her heart and gut instincts to lead her.  Who danced in her quirky own way and loved every second of it.  


I am here to help you reconnect with that inner girl that may have been lost in the busy of everyday life and grown up responsibilities and obligations. If you are ready to figure out how to fully live for yourself and carve out your own path instead of following what others expect of you, I am here to help you embrace your inner truth and live confidently and consiously.


because I believe YOU CAN SHINE

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Program details coming soon...

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